Building a website for your business?

Picking the best domain is more important than most people think. If it’s not short, sweet, and straight to the point, your website won’t get enough attention. The domain is what directs people to your business. It’s the first thing customers will see when they look you up.

So make it great! Here’s what you need to know about picking out the perfect domain:

  • Keep it simple:The best domain names should be short and easy to remember. Try not to confuse people with a long, complicated domain. Ideally, your domain name will include your company’s name, and maybe a keyword or two — but it shouldn’t be longer than that.
  • Use keywords: Keywords bring a website to the top of search engine results. Using the right keywords in your domain is you get your business to show up when people are searching for the services you can provide.
  • .Com is best: .com stands for “commercial”. That’s what tells users that your website is for a commercial business — not a personal or government site. If you can’t get the name or keywords you want at a .com address, you should try changing the keywords around. .Com is always best

Where to buy the best domain

Looking for a simple, intuitive place to buy the best domain for your website?

Adrian Domains provides instant service. It’s fast, simple, and you can register with as many as 500 domains all at once. Take a look at their options, and invest in the right domain for your website today!