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Core Exercises

Time to get your day started with these quick blood flow exercises by working out your core.

Perform Each Stretch for:

15 - 30 Seconds

Core Stretches

Side Straddle

Engages and opens your chest, ribs, and shoulders.

Bridge Pose

Opens up the spine, and goes a long way toward achieving the bendy, flexible core.

Inner Thigh

One of the easiest ways to open and engage your inner thighs, hips, and groin.

Back Stretches

Back Flexion

Perfect for increasing the bendiness of your spine, as well as undoing any built-up tension for daily activities.


Unlocks flexibility in your lower back muscles, as well as having the added bonus of opening your glutes.

Child’s Pose

Increase flexibility and relieve back pain, plus open up the thighs, hips, and ankles, too.

Arm Stretches

Fingers Up/Down

Works your hands, wrists, and fingers, as well as your upper arms and forearms.

Cross Arm

Helps stretch and release tension in the back of the shoulder.

Doorway Pecs

Opens a cramped chest, while flexing your triceps, biceps, forearms, and upper back.

Leg/Hip Stretches

Garland Pose

This squatting pose works the hips, groin, thighs, ankles, and torso.

IT band

Reduce flaring pain in the outer knee, and improve hip, and leg flexibility.

Heal Drop

Opens up your calves, and help increase flexibility from knee to toe.

Perform Each Exercise for:

Beginners: 25 Seconds - Advanced: 45 Seconds

Followed by a 15 Second Rest.


Start in a pushup position, and fully extend your arms. One arm at a time, move to your elbows, then go back to the starting position.


Lay flat, with knees bent. With your hands near your ears, slowly lift your head towards your knees while flexing your abs for 1-2 seconds.


With your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, and your feet hip-width apart, push your body up and down. Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent.


Standing upright, position your feet hip-width apart, shoulders back and keep back straight. Slowly send hips back and squat toward the floor.

Bicycle Crunch

Lay flat, with hands near your ear. Bend your legs, attempting to touch alternate arm in a bicycle motion.

T Push-Up

After doing a full pushup, extend one arm all the way to the sky, forming your body into the shape of a T.

Lateral Jump

Putting all your weight on one leg, jump to the opposite leg, while letting the leg you jumped from swing behind the leg you land on. Keep your arms swinging to optimize your core.

Mountain Climber

In a fully extended pushup position, alternate your legs by bringing in your knee towards your elbow. For advanced workouts, kick your knee towards the opposite arm.

Box Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides. Drop down into a pushup, completely flat. Then quickly stand back up, adding a jump at the end for advanced workouts.